Who we are

Association membership is open to anyone who has been a student or staff member at Colchester County High School for Girls.  New school leavers are automatically registered as members if they agree to share their details.

The Association is run and administered by a committee of officers drawn from the membership and elected at the AGM.  The committee is open to anyone in the Association and we would welcome some new, younger members!  Please contact us if you are interested.

What we do

We arrange various social events for members to attend throughout the year, including coffee mornings, lunches and garden parties.  We put together a twice yearly newsletter, based on Association events which have taken place throughout the year, as well as interesting news from past students.  A link to this is emailed to everyone who has provided us with their address.  For those members who do not have access to email, or who would prefer to receive a printed copy, we are able to do this on request.  We do make a charge of £2:50 per year if you prefer this option, to cover our costs of production and postage.

We act as a point of contact for anyone wishing to get in touch with their old school friends.  It is therefore important that you update us with details of any changes to your email or home address as your life and career progress. 

Contact us


Website: CCHS Old Girls’ Association/Alumnae Website

The OGA Newsletter is produced twice a year and the latest copies can be accessed via the link below.