Careers Programme

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The aims of the Careers programme are to:

· Create a positive climate of caring, support and guidance

· Raise aspirations, foster self-esteem and motivate students to achieve their full potential

· Promote equality, diversity, social mobility and challenge stereotypes

· Provide comprehensive, fully up-to-date information to alert students to the wide range of future opportunities open to them, and to support students in their thinking and decision-making

 · Empower students to plan, access and manage their career choices and transitions

· Promote understanding of key employability skills to achieve personal economic stability and wellbeing

Organisation of the Careers Department

Careers Programme to be delivered by Form Tutors and our impartial Careers Adviser through: PSHCE lessons, in form groups, a single period a week, the Careers Library is open every lunch hour to provide information, resources and guidance. Lunchtime drop-in clinics with our Careers Adviser. The Careers Leader is Mrs Mandal and the Vice Principal line manages Careers.

The full curriculum outline for the Careers Programme for Years 7-13 can be found here.

All Key Stages

PSHCE includes economic wellbeing, citizenship, and develops enterprise and entrepreneurship.  Students are actively involved in charity fundraising.  Extracurricular clubs and trips support students in developing their understanding of subjects.  A central database of volunteering opportunities is updated and opportunities are shared within the Careers programme and additional support is provided on an individual basis.  Students are encouraged to participate in activities as part of the National Citizen Service and DofE.

Year 7-9

A variety of activities designed to introduce students to: the concepts of employment, higher education, careers and career paths/portfolios, the wide range of future potential pathways open to them as they progress on from school and the information, advice and guidance that is available to them at CCHSG to help them decide between, and access, these opportunities.

Year 10

Writing a CV, employment interviews, testimonials, professional correspondence, volunteering, Post-16 opportunities, getting a Saturday/Evening/Vacation job and Child Labour and the Law. 

A large number of students in Year 10 take part in the DofE Award at Bronze Level. 

Year 11

More detail regarding options Post-16, how to choose A Level subjects, introduction to the Oxbridge application process, student finance, advice on searching for a job, testimonials, taking a Gap Year, volunteering, National Citizen Service and possible activities over the summer holidays. DofE Silver Award is available to Y11 students. 

Year 12

Apprenticeships, taking a Gap Year, National Citizen Service, applying to Higher Education, Oxbridge discussions with Heads of Department, UCAS registration, volunteering, writing Personal Statements and review a of Personal Statements with subject specialists.  Forward Thinking Day – a day off timetable which includes external speakers from Higher Education and employment.  Students are encouraged to visit open days, take part in masterclasses and summer schools.  Students have an opportunity to take part in the Young Enterprise programme.  Students are encouraged to undertake work experience in order to support Post-18 progression. DofE Gold award is available to Y12 students 

Year 13 – The Student Finance Tour, mock interviews, applying for employment or apprenticeships (writing a CV, online applications and interviews), volunteering, advice on university offers. 

In addition, we employ an impartial Careers Adviser, Mrs Kee, who visits the school every week to offer individual and small group counselling sessions to our students.