Pastoral Support

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“The levels of care, guidance and support are outstanding”    Ofsted 2009

 CCHSG is a community of friendship and support, with an important focus on the emotional wellbeing of everyone in our care.  The school values each student as an individual and aims to help each individual to reach the highest possible levels of personal, academic and social achievement.  Our students have high expectations of themselves and work incredibly hard to achieve their goals and we make sure they have our absolute care and support at all times.  An inclusive system of pastoral care includes time for reflection and dealing with life’s challenges, as well as important opportunities for personal and social development.

The school is firmly committed to the development of emotional intelligence and resilience of all of our students, as we believe this will help support the student through her adult life.  Our pastoral programme, including PSHCE, continues to develop and is unique; it includes work on cognitive behavioural therapy which has been developed by a specialist in this field.  Students are taught to recognise thinking errors including negative filtering and catastrophic thinking. 

The all-girl environment provides a high level of confidence and security.  Students are supported by our excellent pastoral care; each girl is seen as an individual and whilst we are educating tomorrow’s leaders, we are also aware that some students need extra support to develop their leadership skills.  We believe that through the power and habits of the mind these skills can be fostered and nurtured.