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PSHCE permeates the whole ethos of the school. At Colchester County High School for Girls we believe that students should be encouraged to become independent, confident and responsible citizens in preparation for their future role as active participants and leaders in society. Through Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship and Economic Education (PSHCE) students develop an awareness and understanding of themselves physically, emotionally and socially. Careers education is also delivered within the PSHE programme.

Personal, social, health and economic education is a planned programme of school-based learning opportunities and experiences that deal with the real life issues young people face as they grow up. It comprises three core strands: Health and Well-being, Relationships and Living in the Wider World (including economic well-being.)

The Health and Well-being strand covers issues such as:

• drug and alcohol education;

• emotional health and well-being;

• diet and healthy lifestyle; and

• safety education.

The Relationships strand covers issues such as:

• sex and relationships education;

• equality and diversity;

The Living in the Wider World strand covers issues such as:

• economic well-being

• careers education;

• work-related learning;

• enterprise education; and

• financial capability.

 This theme has strong links with citizens