School Governance and Finance

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The governing body membership is drawn from groups who have an interest in the school;

  • 2 Parent
  • 8 Governors
  • 2 Staff members

Terms of office are normally for four years (excluding the Executive Principal). Provided they are eligible a governor may serve again.

The Local Governing Board has a number of sub-committees, the four principal committees meet at least termly and are Curriculum & Student Matters, Premises, Finance & Audit and Personnel. All governors are members of at least one committee. In addition some staff attend meetings on an advisory basis.

The Clerk to the Governors is:

Mrs E Murphy

If you would like to contact any of the Governors or obtain redacted minutes of Governing Body meetings please contact us via 

The Code of Conduct for Governors, Register of the Business Interests of Governors and the Governor Profiles are available for download from the links below:

LGB Code of Conduct

Governor Profiles

Register of Business Interests