Secondhand Uniform Scheme

Home / Secondhand Uniform Scheme

Charity No. 1110464

Second Hand Uniform Sales

STOCK NEEDED: Do you have CCHSG uniform that your daughter has outgrown and which is in good condition? If so, please donate it to CCHSG PTFA.

We aim to resell all school uniform including PE kit (excluding embroidered aprons, overalls or lab coats). Items will be offered for sale at close to 50% of RRP subject to condition. 

Where to deliver donations?

Please send them in a carrier bag to the School Reception clearly marked:  ‘Second Hand Uniform for CCHSGPTFA.’

When to donate?

We will accept donations at any time. Please make sure items are clean and in good condition.

When will second hand uniform be on sale to parents?

The uniform will be on sale at appropriate school events such as Year 7 Induction Evening, Parents’ Evenings, the Year7 Welcome Party and the Christmas Market, where parents can bring their daughters to try on the items of uniform. It is important that items are tried on or you know the relative size as used items may have been ‘pre-stretched/shrunk’ by previous owners. 

Dates of sales will be notified via the PTFA section of the Parent Bulletin and social media. 

All proceeds will go to CCHSG PTFA funds. 

For further details please contact : –

Agness O’Brien of CCHSG PTFA at 01376 573694 07951 511653
