Welcome to CCHSG Sixth Form

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When students leave our Sixth Form they will leave not only with an excellent set of A level results, but with a broad range of experiences.  We achieve this by offering an extensive range of activities in addition to the A level courses, which aim to develop a highly personalised learning programme tailored to the needs of each student based on their strengths and areas of interest.  Extended Project Qualification is available for those students wanting to further extend their academic qualifications.  We broaden students’ experiences by fostering an active attitude of caring for the community we live and work in.  This can be through our school prefect schemes, through charitable fundraising and other outreach schemes with our partner schools (primary, secondary and special needs).  There is also an extensive range of extra-curricular clubs and societies which aim to broaden an awareness of local, national and international issues.

We believe that this places our students in a unique position, when applying for university and with employers post-university, of having both a first class academic record and a unique breadth of experience.  We refuse to join in the race for the most academic points preferring to see an individual’s value in broader terms.  In this way our students gain an advantage over their peers by being able to present themselves as confident, articulate and mature young people who offer a wealth of transferable skills which are particularly relevant to today’s employment market.

Our excellent examination results

The Advanced Level results are constantly well above national averages and the school is consistently placed in the top 1% of the National League Tables.

Each year over 95% of students apply to university. Many submit successful applications to Oxbridge and other are offered places at prestigious universities on highly competitive courses.  A large number of our students apply for medicine, dentistry and veterinary science as well as a range of courses depending on their interests and academic ability.  For further information about our A level results, visit the A level Results page of the website.

A diverse and welcoming community

Each year a significant number of our Year 12 students join us from other local schools.  Current students say that they like the diverse and welcoming Sixth Form community where they are known personally and treated as adults. They also like the positive relationships with staff and the college-type environment within a school setting.

Sixth Form Activities

Our students are highly motivated, energetic, enthusiastic and active. As a result the vast majority participate in some form of extra-curricular activity, either in within school or away from school, often visiting local primary schools, special needs schools or work experience at a variety of local businesses.

Many of the clubs and activities are organised by the students themselves including, Young Enterprise, MedSoc, VetSoc, and Amnesty International.  These activities are complimented by a variety of musical clubs and sports teams.  Many lower sixth students become Prefects, helping to mentor and organise activities with tutor groups from the rest of the school.

Staff seek to engage and stretch the students, often enhancing the learning experience through trips and visits both within Britain and abroad.

Pastoral support from our committed and expert staff

The Head of Sixth Form meets weekly with all students and is available daily to discuss any issues of concern.  An Assistant Year Leader is also based in the Sixth Form, helping to ensure that there is always a member of staff available to offer advice and support on both academic and pastoral matters.  

Every student is guided through her two years of study by her Personal Tutor who has daily contact via registrations, tutorials, one-to-one interviews and other formal meetings.  They monitor her progress, offering support and guidance as required.  The Personal Tutor also assists with the complex process of university, gap year or employment applications and is an integral part of the PSHCE, careers, counselling and mock interview programmes.